Cheers, It’s National Coffee Month!

National Coffee Month

Let’s celebrate National Coffee Month with a fresh cup of Joe!

August is here and it’s officially National Coffee Month. Seven out of every 10 Americans drink at least a cup of coffee every week! Having a cup has been either routine, necessary, or even traditional at this point, but did you know there’s also great benefits to drinking coffee?

The most well known benefit of coffee is probably its inherent caffeine content, which helps to increase energy and attention. According to some statistics, coffee consumption and support for weight management may also be related. Additionally, studies suggest that coffee may have many other health advantages, mostly because of its antioxidant qualities.

Research has even indicated that coffee drinking is linked to a lower risk of a number of illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, Alzeheimer’s disease, fatty liver disease, and certain cancers. Coffee frequently packs a bigger caffeine punch than tea, which has its own set of health benefits as well, like a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. This leads to more invigorating effects.

National Coffee Month

This isn’t Oktoberfest here, as binging our favorite cup of Joe during National Coffee Month is highly not suggested. Overconsumption might result in undesirable side effects such as anxiety, upset stomach, and irregular sleep patterns. Higher serving sizes of caffeine can cause jitters or an elevated heart rate in those who are sensitive to it. It’s also critical to take into account the use of creams and added sugars in coffee drinks might counteract some health advantages and cause weight gain.

The FDA advises most people to keep their daily caffeine consumption to no more than 400 mg. Caffeine content in an eight ounce cup of brewed coffee is approximately 96 mg. In addition to being less expensive in the long run, making coffee at home as opposed to getting a quick latte from a coffee shop gives you greater control over the quality of the ingredients, portion sizes, and add-ons.

With that all said, it’s important to always take a moment to notice the flavor and aroma of your coffee, as well as how your body is reacting to it. Drinking mindfully can improve your experience in general. Happy National Coffee Month!


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