What Is Caffeine And Adenosine?

caffeine and adenosine
Image: SP

What is caffeine and adenosine and how do they work for the body?

What is caffeine, really? We are all most likely very familiar with the energy inducing substance. What we may not know is that when we consume caffeine, it works with its tricky cousin named adenosine. Caffeine and adenosine work together to stimulate us when we drink caffeinated liquids like tea or coffee.

When our body feels tired and needs energy, it will break down the “ATP” molecule which contains energy. During this process our body will release “adenosine” that will make us feel drowsy once the hormone travels to the brain. What caffeine will do is slow down this process by latching onto the adenosine receptors.

At the molecular level, caffeine and adenosine look very alike and have a similar shape. Because of this, caffeine can stick to the adenosine receptors and suppress it. Adenosine hinders the nervous system, and since caffeine restricts adenosine, it stimulates those who consume and process it. It is all connected, literally!

It is also possible that caffeine can make us happy or more positive. Caffeine may contact parts of the brain that releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter from the nervous system that makes us feel pleasure. In short, dopamine aids the human brain with the ability to focus, think, and plan.

On the nutritional side of things, caffeine effects are pretty positive in guiding with workouts and exercising. Caffeine can help burn fat, suppress appetite, and increase metabolism. Makes sense why we start off the day with a cup of coffee or tea. Caffeine consumption has been associated with an increase in burning calories, a process known as thermogenesis. In the case of a diet induced thermogenesis, caffeine can slow down a person’s need for calorie intake. It is also diuretic, meaning that it allows the body to urinate more often to get rid of water.

So there you have it. Caffeine and adenosine go hand in hand. The next time you have your morning sip, try to think about all this. It’s possible that all the tingling going on in your head is the caffeine and adenosine at work!


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