Author Articles

Increase Average Steps Per Day To Increase Lifespan

Here’s why it’s important to increase average steps per day It’s time to step it up folks, data has shown that we all can increase...

How To Prevent Thanksgiving Weight Gain

Here’s the 411 to prevent Thanksgiving weight gain from all that food you’re consuming Worried about Thanksgiving Weight gain? Turkey Day is just around the...

McDonalds Quarter Pounder Ecoli Outbreak Halts Sales

Stay away from the McDonalds Quarter Pounder Ecoli outbreak! Linking to the death of one customer, a McDonalds Quarter Pounder Ecoli outbreak has been discovered,...

It’s Never Too Late To Practice Resistance Training Exercises

Here’s how resistance training exercises can benefit your health Resistance training exercises are crucial for maintaining one's physical and mental health as well as general...

Cheers, It’s National Coffee Month!

Let’s celebrate National Coffee Month with a fresh cup of Joe! August is here and it’s officially National Coffee Month. Seven out of every 10...

Brazil Announces End Of Newcastle Disease Outbreak In Poultry

Brazil declares the end of a Newcastle disease outbreak It has been reported by a Brazil local news outlet that the Newcastle disease outbreak in...

Weighted Vest Health Benefits And Exercises

Are the weighted vest health benefits worth the investment? Weighted vest health benefits can help boost the efficiency of our workouts, as well as increase...

Should You Use Collagen Peptide Supplements?

Here are some key takeaways of collagen peptide supplements Those who seek to improve skin appearance may delve in the usage of collagen peptide supplements,...